Music Scholars Nationwide Inc.

Our Classes

Wiggles and Giggles
Infants - 18 months

♫ Through bouncing and rocking songs, wiggling and peek-a-boo games, singing with animals and playing with colorful objects, children learn how to respond to sounds and rhythms creatively and cognitively.
♫ In these classes babies are exploring the music and touch, sound and movement, while learning how to interact with each other. We use rhythm instruments and colorful props (scarfs, puppets, bouncing ball) to bring kids’ imagination and learning.

Active Music Making
18 months - 3 years old

♫ In our classes toddlers are involved in making music together through the activities that foster child’s natural curiosity to music (seeing, hearing, discovering, moving and playing rhythm instruments).
♫ Kids learn how to express their feelings and imagination by dancing with scarfs and moving to the beat, singing catchy tunes, listening to animated music story, tapping rhythm sticks, and a lot more.

Music Adventures
3,5 years old - 5 years old

♫ This class taps into a child’s imagination and musical growth through interactive games and songs, learning dances from diverse cultures and exploring musical instruments.
♫ Our music selection is chosen with a focus on multi-cultural experiences. Children sing in different languages and dance to exciting rhythms, learn about classical music and symphony instruments. They know how to play a DO-RE-MI scale with colorful boomwackers and all in a fun and interactive atmosphere!

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